An Account of God's Calling to South America

Saturday, February 1, 2014

God Is Moving Us Where?

My husband and I have always enjoyed each other's company, especially in the evenings when things have settled for the day, and we actually have time to share our thoughts from our hectic scheduled grind. One seemingly normal evening, when we were about to turn in for the night, Bill sat up in bed and simply replied, "Leslie, I think we might end up moving to Argentina." That was it. Plain and simple. After a few moments, I responded..."Argentina....Argentina...Let's see. Isn't that in South America?" Now due to my vast knowledge of the world and geography, there were two things that stuck in my mind: penguins and the song "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina," made popular by Madonna in the 80's. Sure, there were other things that came to mind as well: gauchos, the Tango, Patagonia...but that was it. No deep knowledge. Just snippets of what I obtained from being a child of pop culture knowledge rather than a true student of my world.

For the next few years, the belief that God was moving us to South America began to become a frequent topic of conversation at the dinner table with our family of six. Gradually, Bill and I took the idea to a new level, constantly praying that if we were indeed to move, that God would prepare us spiritually and in every other way for the purpose He had. Slowly, the prayers changed from Argentina to a different destination, a beautiful narrow strip of country at the bottom if the world...Chile. So the research began. We went from knowing a few sparse facts about South America in general, to being an all out "expert" of the South, especially when it came to knowing about the southern region of Chile, Patagonia.

Now, eleven years later, Bill and I sit in an airport in Houston, Texas, waiting to board our flight to Chile, having bid our beautiful family, friends, church and work goodbye, in order to hopefully display our absolute obedience to God. There are moments I have my doubts, but on a normal basis, when I stay in God's presence through prayer and His Word, I know that He is taking care of all that is dear to us,  so that we can pursue whatever is dear to Him. Isn't that what being a Christian is all about?


  1. You two have to be two of the bravest souls I've met! I am looking forward to hearing how God uses you for His glory. Miss you, my friend.

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